Trail of Cthulhu
The Final Revelation > The Dance in the Blood

"The First meeting of the Friday Group, November 12th, 1937"

Game Date: 3/13/2018

The Friday Group was started by Tristan Cavendish to gather individuals from across London who are having similar premonitions of doom. Today, the Group meets for the first time to discuss the strange things they have seen: Oddly specific writings in books, strange sculptures that…wait. What do you mean this isn’t the first time we've met? The investigators once again find themselves in the grips of a time jump (or is it a memory hole? Can we even trust our notes? Ourselves?) Regardless, Mr. Cavendish has a treasure trove of notes and newspaper clippings that he believes will prove that the world’s doom is imminent. Investigation reveals another vision, another clue that points to the Lake District. This one seems to lead to dirt and static. Digging beneath the surface reveals blood, ruin, and The Final Revelation.