Nights Black Agents
The Dracula Dossier > Back to Basics

"It's a deep, deep rabbit hole and no blue pills to be found"

Game Date: 11/23/2017

Our favorite agents struggle to come to grips with their horrific experiences in Singleton's house, and realize what sort of twisted dangers they're facing. The classic lesson of "basics, basics, basics" drives the agents to take another look at Edom, attack vectors, and potential Edom bases; Ring, Holmwood, and Gouldmering. As they learn more and more about the conspiracy, the agents start to find more connections with some very powerful government officials, social figures, and the occasional.... giant dog. At the rate things are going, cultists and debaucherous sex parties might soon be the least of their worries, especially as they make their move on the Hillingham Estate.