Gabe Stroe

Official Mobile First Test Inspection Team Strike (OMFTITS) Lead

Bio: Gabe is a relatively new table top gamer. It all started in 2015 when Jason asked him if he was interested in a night at the opera; a lover in the ice later and it was all down hill from there. Today, Gabe enjoys a variety of RPGs that extend all the way from Eclipse Phase to D&D, and has recently just started to DM is own games. Gabe is also a Tech Nerd, Wannabe Tim Taylor, Adrenalin Junky and Lover of Puppies. He mostly spends his days off fixing things he broke, with not nearly enough experience.

Quote: "This is a war game. What do you mean, 'It's not fair'? Do you think the Taliban has chip clips? They don't have stuff like this. They hate us for our freshness." - Mike Baxter

Games Played

Games GMed