Josh Hatfield

Speaker for the Abyss

Bio: An avid collector and lover of tabletop games, Josh began his lifelong journey into the hobby as an adolescent with weekly sessions of Star Frontiers. Since then, he has experienced a huge variety of games, rule systems and themes; he has played/run games of: Dungeons and Dragons, Fiasco, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green and so many more. Constantly checking on the latest titles and developing games, Josh is a wellspring of knowledge, advice and opinions about the topics of role-playing and gaming in general. It is his hope that Penguin-Fringed Abyss will be a platform not just to make people laugh at his imaginary antics, but also to foster a positive attitude toward this hobby/lifestyle that so many people love.

Quote: Godspeed Meatstick!

Games Played